Patients' Choice Award

Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine:

  • Laboratory testing for food allergies and deficiencies
  • H2 breath testing for food intolerances and bacterial colonization of the intestine

We offer consultations for the whole range of nutritional medicine. The focus is on loss of excess weight and the management of metabolic syndrome.

Improper diet, due to both excessive caloric intake an wrong food choices, is instrumental in creating the so – called lifestyle diseases. These include, among others excess weight gain/ obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels and gout. One consequence oh these diseases is arteriosclerosis which is in turn responsible for diseases such as heart attacks, strokes an circulatory disorder of the legs. Proper diet is an inevitable oar of successful treatment of these diseases.

Our nutritional counselling begins with an accurate assessment of a patient’s current diet with ongoing support during the change to a more heathy diet.

Dietentics and Nutrition:

Proper diet is an inevitable part of successful treatment of these diseases.

In case of suspected food intolerance (lactose intolerance, fructose malabsorption) represents the H2 breath test is a safe diagnostic procedure, then the right selection of food is the nutritional and medical consultation gradual discussed so digestion improves performance and well-being can be restored.

Our nutritional counseling begins with an accurate assessment of the current diet is followed by ongoing support during the change of diet. The Bio Impedance Analysis is a reliable method to determine muscle mass, water content an fat mass, it provides information on the nutritional status and supplement the therapy to regularly evaluate the dietary measures an help you find the best food choices for you.

The more nutritional therapy is practical and individualized, the easier it is manage a long-term transition to lasting success for health and wellbeing.



Ärztezentrum St. Stephan
Salzburger Str. 65
4600 Wels

Opening Hours

Monday 8a.m. – 5p.m.
Tuesday 8a.m. – 3p.m.
Wednesday closed
Friday 8a.m. – 12a.m.
Date by agreement

How To Find Us

© 2023 Dr. med. Sahba Enayati
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